It is three o’clock in the morning. Once again, I have
been awakened with pain. Waking up this way has become
a routine. It is not a physical pain; it is a mental pain. I
have been living with it since I was fifteen. I am thirty
nine years old and I have been searching for twenty-four
years. I have been searching for the perfect laws for the
world. This world would be a society in which people can
live in peace and harmony. They would be valued for their
productivity. People should take responsibility for their
actions, rather than placing blame on others.
Instead, we have a world in which people are
judged by their age, gender, color, religions, ethnicity, etc.
We live in a world that does not live by the laws;
instead, we have to live by the powerful peoples’ greed!
I left my country for this search but I have not found
the perfect laws for the world. I looked through different
governments and different religions. They are hiding under
their umbrella of greed and fear. I passionately feel sorry
for the children because they have to choose between the
two while they are looking for a bright future. I knew I had
a purpose of being who I am in this world. My message is
simplicity, honesty, and love for all human beings. This
book will be a great tool of serving all the angels on earth.

Saed Esfandiari

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